Correct trademark research and similarity analysis are the first and most important criteria of the registration phase. The brand has become the face and value of businesses. For this reason, creating a strong brand starts with finding the right brand. The registration application process takes approximately 1 year. Generally, even if the trademarks are not suggested, they are started to be used after the application is made, not after the registration. This makes preliminary research even more important. The risks taken with the right brand research should be minimized. Otherwise, the investment spent on the brand will be a wasted cost.
After the trademark application is made, the trademark is investigated from various aspects by the experts of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. of the brand; It must comply with the criteria of being a brand, not have qualifications, not be contrary to general morality, and especially must have features such as the absence of similar ones. The most important issue, and generally the reason for rejection, is the existence of similar brands. Effectively conducting similarity research before the application is made should be the most important issue for the brand owners and the main duty of the attorney companies.
Trademark searches carried out from the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office search screen are misleading because they are only done on a one-to-one basis. Since the processes of trademarks that result in refusal will result in loss of rights, it is the most accurate method to be carried out in detail by proxy companies. These analyzes will be enlightening for businesses considering applying for a trademark and will enable them to steer their investments with confidence.
Brand research;
-In terms of compliance with the registration criteria
– According to the determination of the correct determination of the relevant commodity
– According to phonetic (auditory) availability
-According to visual availability
– In terms of not being similar to privately protected trademarks
– It should be detailed in terms of not covering sectoral phrases.
It is necessary to carry out the trademark research process in detail before the foreign applications to prevent the loss of rights that may arise. In particular, the high costs of international trademark application and export expenses make it important to search for foreign trademarks.